Salam readers ...
The last entry I wrote on products' review, from my perspectives.. ok, now lets share some of my experiences how I start with HERBALIFE.
k,..first let me share with you on my journey in Herbalife ( ceh, macam dah bertahun-tahun pulak) ...
I started using Herbalife in October 2010 during my final examination, that time, tak nampak sangat pun perubahan sebab asyik on-off je,..but soon after I finished the semester, during the semester break I decided to consume Herbalife secara on takda off-off lagi (sebab kat rumah senang sikit nak control makan)... so hasilnya, ALHAMDULILLAH,...kawan-kawan pun nampak, saya pun suka hati, lalalallalalalla....
So, I think it is a good start to share with others on how I managed to cut off some kilos...masa tu on January 2011..I called my upline whom also my second cousin and asked her to help me to get started part-time. Excited sangat waktu tu, pergi STS at Time Square, mula-mula kena berdiri,..then masa second half then I managed to get a seat for myself and LEARNED on many things I never knew before. Semangat-semangat tu la yang buat saya beli tiket ke Spectacular on January 2011 jugakla di Putrajaya.
Since it is my first time, I was tooooo excited sampai kadang-kadang blurrr tak faham apa yang diorang tengah cakap at that time, tapi ok jugaklah because I managed to catch up on few things and see how things goes during the event, and the most important thing is that I CAN SEE THE POWER OF EVENT ( semua yang attend on that day was sooooo amazing and positive).
Terus lah balik ke UiTM, lepas habis event ( drive pukul 2 pagi baru sampai rumah sewa, esoknya kelas sepanjang hari ) but ALHAMDULILLAH, dengan product Herbalife, I can still be at classes and tak tido tengahari, malam baru relax.
The feel wasnt end there,.....then I tried to find sources and interested consumers to help me in getting the 35% discount at that time (walaupun blur2 lagi, macam mana nak jual lepas beli products tu),..then again Nur Fatin Zulkarnain helped me with all the process (kesian dia yang still sabar with my slow progress)..
Lepas dapat product, family yang bagi support dulu, try the healthy breakfast and encourage me to do better and find customers (walaupun masa tu ayah dan mak berat sangat hati nak bagi kebenaran sebab takut jejaskan pelajaran). Bulan February I managed to do 1500vp... sebab nak qualify team reward masa tu,.so keje la kuat2 cari pelanggan, turun naik kolej, edar flyers dan macam2,...
Masa tu ingat lagi ada 6 orang customer yang beli product dalam 1 malam,...wah, I cried sebab tak sangka!!
Call mak, ayah, fatin ...kecoh-kecoh kat diorang tentang kegembiraan tu,..wahhhh
tapi tetiba, customer2 yang turun 2 - 3 kg 1 bulan tu, taknak continue,..dan kebetulan masa tu nak final exam, jadi tak dapat nak active sangat ajak2 orang baru cuba Herbalife (sedih nye) ...pengakhirannya,...product berlebih kat rumah, semangat jatuh merudum,..event2 langsung tak pergi (padam muka la, sebab dari events la baru dapat energy and learn more)...
lepas tu Fatin cari2 pun I am too embarassed to pick up her call.....3 bulan takda progress, ....MALAP je...
then bila cuti semester,..terasa nak start balik,..bulan June beli sikit, bulan July kosong,..
wah, takbleh jadi ni,...saya nak jadi supervisor jugak, tak kira la macam mana pun, TAHUN 2012, nak start dengan supervisor!!! buat la sale lgi , cari orang lagi,..mase tu tak ramai nak yakin, sebab saya pun macam taktau nak buat macam mane (event tak pergi, macam mane lah nak belajar)...pastu, saya decide nak belajar through internet je pasal products...malu nak call upline sebab dah lama off..heeee.....
I stalked Herbalife's leaders nye Facebook, "diorang semua nak gi Korea and increase income, ape nak jadi aku nih,"...urgghhh,..tetiba fatin call cakap dia nampak progress and bagi semangat suruh teruskan,..and masa tu la start believing in myself that I can do it!!!....
and now, waktu tempatan,..saya tinggal 600+ vp je lagi nak qualify,...opss, lupa lak,..I joined STS for Nov and focus group kat Taman Melawati (walaupn sesat),..heee,..insyallah, I'll be a supervisor before 27 November atau paling lewat by end of November...
Doakan saya ye.....
*entry ini dibuat bukan untuk tujuan apa2, just sebagai semangat bila saya baca semula, and solely for sharing purpose...
See you in the next entries...
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Posted by misz miezza at 4:15 AM 0 comments
FINALLY....a job!!!! yeayyyy
Alhamdulillah, I finally have a file to do audit!! yeayyy...
I love works...Thank you ALLAH for giving me opportunity. And thank you En. Wazi!!!
Posted by misz miezza at 12:16 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
And the journey begins
Ok, first of all,..after a long "vacation" in HERBALIFE, I finally decided to put myself into action again. Thanks to my upline and also my second cousin, Nur Fatin Zulkarnain for bringing back the energy,.
Last June, I actually decided to start purchase the product in bulk and continue collecting VP. It was a hard time to start, with my only customer was my family and Kak rina ( a friend of my brother ). Just imagine, I am embarrassed enough to call my upline and ask her how and I know nothing about collecting VP and all (Fatin taught me, but I cant remember), because of my "on-off" syndrome. Not to forget, A LOT of trainings I had missed.
I struggled to find customers and facing hard time to gain motivation. But ALHAMDULILLAH, somehow ALLAH granted me a "self motivation" switch that I used to the maximum and yet it was not enough. I keep thinking of making changes by going to the trainings and ask Fatin questions. And I did asked her, just that I didnt attend the trainings (poor thing). Credit to Fatin because even though I always skip and rejecting her invitation, she always answer me and keep inviting me. May ALLAH help her throughout her life, amin.
Alhamdulillah at that time I didnt sunk deep enough to be able to catch the air on the surface. I managed to do some VP by myself, quietly. Until one day, Fatin send me a message to congratulate me on my progress. Yeayyyy, at last there is someone that can see what I am doing so far. Starting on that moment, I realised, I have to find more customers and prove to my parents that I AM SERIOUS. Luckily, my brothers and sisters were there supporting me.
I did managed to coach a few, but I need a motivation, more education and team that support me in this journey. I persuaded my parents to allow me to go for training. ALLAHUAKBAR, they allowed me to go for STS on 30 October 2011. I promised myself there and then, I'll make them proud and happy after this!
So I went to the SUCCESS TRAINING SEMINAR, and grab the opportunity to LEARN!!
Alhamdullillah so far, my customers are happy with their progress and by going to the training it gives me power to survive. I was so motivated to share with them more than before and help them in achieving their goal! I'm grateful for His bless.
I was inspired and I managed to do 800+ VP on October 2011, in which it qualifies me for the group focus at Taman Melawati. Yeayyy....once again I ask my parents for permission, and they allowed me even though it was my first time driving to Taman Melawati alone (they actually gave me permissions to do follow up and sort of things but not for training).
Weeee....Insyallah.. I started my journey on the first seconds I stepped into NUTRICITY.
It is not for profit making ALONE, but I just love to see people happy and healthy.
Insyallah, I'll spread the goodness of being healthy..
See you in the next entries...dont just read, come and follow me!!
Posted by misz miezza at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: Herbalife
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
"Mr. Supervisor, a file please..."
Urgh,..I need a job sooooo badly right now, has been almost 3 weeks (including this week), I am just doing my own job (unrelated to audit), helping people with some of their work (I'm glad they asked),..and some readings (no focus at all)...
I need a file,..which is enough for me to learn something new (Insyallah)... but why not giving me something fresh, something that I can start from A to Z...I'm not very good at continuing something that is under construction (yes, bad me)...
Oh ,Mr. Supervisor, I need your help....
By the way, Alhamdulillah I manage to settle up few things in between the "no related audit work period"..wahahahaha...which means, I managed to share good things about consuming HERBALIFE.....
and reading "First Among Equals" is not that bad, I just need a focus and mood...but so far, I think its about time to experience new file instead of keep reading something interesting with no feeling on it,...
how I wish I can get a new one....
Posted by misz miezza at 6:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Internship