Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It’s “An Evening of Luxury” well done!! ALHAMDULILLAH

Hello bloggers, today my fingers just can’t wait for entries!!
It’s about our annual dinner which held on last Saturday by theme of “An Evening of Luxury” organized by part 6 students which are US!!!

Alhamdullillah it had ended well with a VERY good response from our guest, especially from lecturers and evenfrom  the hotel crews!!!
Congratulations fellow friends. For the support and coorperation before, during and after the event.
Okay, now it is time to review some comments from a few lecturers  that I had interviewed that night,
En X said,
                “baguslah, so far inilah dinner yang paling happening pernahsaya attend.” (more or less)
                “baguskome, paling best I ever attend,”
Cik X
                “eh, baguslah, lecturer tunggusampaihabis, bagus,”
That is lecturers’ part, now it’s students’ time
Mr. S
                “terimakasihkak, best kot dinner tadi, tahniah la korang organized dinner ni,”
Mr X P
                “It was the best dinner I ever had, thanks to part 6 students,”
Wow,..amazing right?? Alhamdulillah and thank you for all the praises.

But do you know who was behind the scene???

Of course, it is us…but the big head behind all this is our Project manager, Mr Faisal Rifa’I and all the committee that had done their part well.
To all the committee, thank you for your effort all the way till the end of the event!!
I would like to ask for apologies if I did any mistakes or  any sort of things that break anyone’s feelings. Thank you guys, see you next year after we went back from the internship!!